3 thoughts on “

  1. What a great post. You had me hooked with your first sentence -all autistic people love to swim. I have a daughter who is 7 and a son who is 5, both autistic and I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been told that going to the pool will be therapy. They love the water but hate the echo of the building – the noise just seems to carry and drives them mad. My son would spend his time in the water flapping his hands and repeatedly counting. Not so much of a therapy! In fact every point you made I can relate to with both of my children. I’ve learned not to make my sentences too long and detailed (especially with my daughter – she struggles with language) and to not say things that are easily misunderstood. I know when my son refuses to change out of his pyjamas it’s because his regular day clothes will irritate him and I can spot a sensory overload meltdown a mile off. My daughter’s life is ruled by her anxiety and it’s sad to watch.

    I love that you are able to support and encourage Zackary on his interests and celebrate all the things in between. I’m getting there slowly but it’s been a steep learning curve.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for commenting and sharing your story. I hope what we have been and are going through will help everyone know they are not alone.


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